Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bradbury Mountain - 484'

Junior needed help moving so we went to Maine to help...taking a pit stop on the way. Our first peak in 25 years! Bradbury Mountain--all 484 feet of it :-)

We stopped off at Bean's for some real shoes and a day pack. Duh's first trip to Bean's in 30 years...even with the changes outside over that time, the inside was strangely familiar.

The blink-and-you-miss-it Summit Trail was straight up which made for a surprising expenditure of energy. (We did feel old when three teenaged girls "from away" blew by us in flip-flops.)

The trail markings were close to non-existent. As a matter of fact they were so bad that we picked a random well-worn return trail that wasn't on our trailmap. (How lost can you get going 484' straight down? :-) A trail map at the trailhead was more current. We had taken the Switchback Trail.

Muh proving that 484' in coastal Maine will get you a rewarding view:

Note the flip-flops! :-)

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