Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Square Ledge-Lost Pond

The extra-long drive to the AMC's Pinkham Notch visitor's center did not disappoint. We checked out the free naturalist activity of the day (who knew porcupines were members of the weasel family?) before heading across Route 16 to Square Ledge and Lost Pond Trail. It was a very busy leaf-peeper weekend. We thought we had it rough parking in the overflow lot...these folks had to park on Rt16.

The view across Rt16 toward the AMC visitor's center and Mt. Washington from Square Ledge. It's hard to take a bad picture in the Whites.

Square Ledge is a big training ground for rock climbers. Here we look down from the top at some chap in white helmet readying himself for the climb (top) and then looking back up at him from below (bottom).

Square Ledge definitely packs a lot of vertical for such a short hike. This is a trail with a purpose! Muh demonstrates how to not be bothered by dust and pebble covered steep granite on the descent.

Is there a better place for a tree to set root?

Lost Pond Trail is pleasant trail to nowhere. No vertical change to speak of but plenty of hopping rock to rock. "Found" Pond and view.

While sitting at Lost Pond we could hear the Cog Railway arrive at Mt. Washington's summit. Here you can see the engine's smoke drifting over the summit.

1 comment:

Linasolopoesie said...